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I’m Betty.


I work as a Production Coordinator at Walt Disney TV and am embarking a career path in producing. I believe in the power of storytelling and its ability to make significant changes in people’s lives through perspective, visual art, and motion pictures. An important aspect of the media to me is Asian American and Pacific Islander representation behind the camera. With that, I strive to be a part of the movement of making space for AAPI communities in the media and entertainment field.



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Throughout elementary school, I was fascinated by cameras and wanted to capture memories and create stories as much as possible. In recollecting the origins for my love of media, I recall filming my stuffed animal polar bear, Chubby, who “reported live” from my house on “The Chubby Jock Show”. Over time, I continued filming my stuffed animals as characters casted onto shows and that grew into creating videos for my classes in high school. Since then, I began filming small videos and directing short productions through my time in college.

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